For those on Facebook- Very important message, please readIt's a good reminder even though we may know (or not) all this about Facebook. One other good practice is about Instant Personalization:
- The New Face Book Privacy setting called "Instant Personalization" goes into effect. The new setting shares your data with non-Facebook websites & it is automatically set to "Enabled".
- Go to Account > Privacy Settings > Apps & Websites > Instant Personalization >edit settings & uncheck "Enable". BTW If your friends don't do this, they will be sharing info about you as well. Please copy and repost
Please spare a few minutes to read this...It’s an eye opener.
"The information people give out on Facebook, when linked up with other information freely available on the internet, is an absolute goldmine for criminals," the Daily Mail quoted Michael Fraser, a reformed burglar who presents the BBC's 'Beat The Burglar' programme, as saying.
"One year, you might have a party and give out your address. A while later, you might tell everyone that it is your 30th birthday.
"So, if you've accepted me as a friend of a friend, I know your name, your address and your birth date.
"From that, I can go to usa and on there I can find out what you do for a living, how much your home is worth - and whether you're likely to be worth burgling.
"I might have already made up my mind because you've posted party pictures on Facebook and I can see what kind of valuables you have in the house - and which rooms they're in. Then you go and tell your Facebook friends how much you're looking forward to going on holiday next Tuesday.
"I can go on to Google Street View and see actual photographs of your home. I can see if you have a burglar alarm, or whether there are any bushes in the garden to hide in. And I can see all the alleyways I can escape down. And, of course, I know you won't be at home.
"Once you accept a stranger into your Facebook account, they can begin what we call social engineering - delicately asking questions to build up information about you,' said Jason Hart, senior vice president of CRYPTOCard Network Security.
"And that can cause havoc. Let's say they got your email address, then they could go to your email account pretending to be you and saying you have forgotten your password.
"Once they have that secret information, the email account will let them in. And once they are in there, they can find lots of sensitive information, such as your Amazon and eBay account history.
"They can then go to those sites pretending to be you and saying you have lost your passwords, and guess what happens then?
"Those sites send the passwords to your email account - the one that they have already conned their way into.
"Crooks who do this usually use the credit card details you have stored there to buy online gift vouchers that can be traded on the internet. It is a form of instant currency.
"Even worse, if you have a PayPalaccount and have credit in it, your so-called friend could clean it out.
"Effectively, they have become an electronic version of you, they can change all your passwords and begin stealing from you.The world is a dangerous place not because of people who do evil, but because of good people who look on and do nothing about it.
-- Albert Einstein
Courage is of no value unless accompanied by justice; yet if all men became just, there would be no need for courage - Agesilaus II
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Some dangers about Facebook
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
New airline to fly in April

PC Air, a�newly formed carrier in Thailand, is set to take to the skies in April.
And the bigger news seemed to be that it has hired six transgender people as flight attendants to promote equal opportunities for the '3rd sex' in Southeast Asia. Over 100 transsexual people applied for the positions, and the airline's boss says that more are expected to be hired. The carrier is also hiring non-transsexuals.
Thailand has one of the biggest populations of 'kathoey' in the world. This term refers to a male-to-female transgender person, or an effeminate gay male. The figure comes as doctors in the country have come up with cheap and fast sex change techniques for people who are willing to go under the knife.
However, transsexuals weren't the only people hired in flight attendant positions for the company. President Peter Chan says that he believes these people can have several careers and not just in the entertainment industry. Many of them have dreams to be flight attendants, he continued, and he's made those dreams come true. Society has changed, evolved, he explained, and he is a pioneer that is sure other organizations will follow his idea. It isn't mandatory that applicants go through a sex change to be considered for the job, he noted. The important thing, he added, is that they have the necessary language skills and can give good service.
One of the few transgender applicants they chose is 23-year-old�Thanyarat 'Film' Jiraphatpakorn, who won the Miss Tiffany beauty pageant in 2007. She is ecstatic to have the job, saying that she thought that they would just take applications without actually recruiting anyone, because this has happened before.�
The transgender staff will wear a special gold '3rd sex' name tag to help other PC Air staff and travelers identify their gender.�